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I have worked with John O’Connor of O ‘Connor and Son, Building Contractors Ltd., Knockavoreen, Kiskeam, Mallow, Co Cork for the last year and half at Castlelohort Demesne, Mallow, Co. Cork , where he has performed the role of the main contractor.

Castlelohort is a Protected Structure and Scheduled Monument and the works there have been carried out under our supervision as conservation consultants.  John O’Connor has been carrying out repair and restoration work to the 18th and 19th century courtyard buildings and gatehouse over this time.

At all times, I have found the quality of his work exemplary and he has demonstrated the skills, sensitivity and understanding required to work on historic structures.  In addition, I have found him reliable and trustworthy and diligent in all aspects of his role.  I have no hesitation in recommending him as contractor on future conservation projects.


James Bourke FRIAI


I worked with John O Connor from November 2013 till end of 2014, on  ‘Glash School’, a joint project for Glash Community School  Ltd. and Glash G.A.A., which is located at Glash Bridge, Newmarket, Co Cork.

This took place while I was employed by Blackwood Associates/Blackwood and Lowe, Dublin, in the role of Senior/Project Architect.  John successfully tendered for the project, through Public Precurement/funding under the Leader program, and satisfactorily completed on program and budget the above project.

The project consisted of the restoration of and extension to an existing 19C former schoolhouse, for use as community hall and sports changing rooms.  It entailed working in the contemporary traditional  material such as lime render which were completed to a high conservation standard.  A significant portion of the build had to be completed as self-build, with Tus Job Bridge trainees, and John oversaw the coordination and of  the entire works.

I always found John personable, honest, flexible, and at hand to ensure things went to plan.  I would have no issue with any of his workmanship, and would highly recommend him for any new build or  conservation work.


Benan Clancy, Architect

City Architects Division Dublin.

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